A Closer Look 'Round #5
Rusty the Working Horse

Artwork by Annatomix

In 2021 Canal & River Trust and Roundhouse Birmingham hosted a group of fine art work placement students from Birmingham Metropolitan College.

The placement focussed on research into canal heritage and ecology, and a chance to co-create a new work of art outside the Roundhouse with the fantastic Annatomix – an artist with several well-known pieces around Birmingham.

The result: a resting working horse named Rusty, created in Annatomix signature origami and geometry-inspired style. 

Here’s a bit about the piece in Annatomix own words:

“I wanted to commemorate the working horses in a way that reflects the canals as they are now – a beautiful pathway through decaying industry, slowly being reclaimed by nature. 

Rusty’s work is done and now he sleeps on a toll station, a symbol of the old strength of industry that built our city, still here but resting.

It was an honour to be involved in this partnership between Canal & River Trust, Roundhouse Birmingham and a wonderful bunch of creative young people from Birmingham Met College. The students were a joy to work with and it was fantastic to have the opportunity to work with them outdoors in such a lovely environment.”


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