Renovating the Roundhouse by James Reader

Film maker James Reader (and his drones) made three visits to the Roundhouse between 2019 and 2021.

The first visit was before the start of our renovation programme in January 2019. The second, in June 2019, saw the building programme in full swing. Both of these recording sessions are included in the first video below.

His final visit was in July 2021, showing a very, and mostly complete Roundhouse. This is shown in the second video.

A Team Effort

Literally hundreds of people have been involved in reviving the Roundhouse; from apprentices working on the restoration of the fabric of the building, to people taking part in the creation of our visitor programme. Here’s a small selection of images that document the work that has been done to bring the Roundhouse to life.


Roundhouse Birmingham’s project, cultural programmes, and visitor offer have been nominated for a range of awards since 2018. You can find out more here.


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